Fever in the Street



40.7 x 60.9 cm
Fever in the Street
Montréal 2016
Indian ink and colour pencils

“-27 degrees celsius outside with wind chill
+39 inside my body with fever heat.
= a 66 degree celsius contrast between inner and outer worlds.

What is the increasing contrast… A gap, a distance? A drift?
Or is it more contact surface as the contrast sensitizes all of my body and fields of exchange?
Does “You” evaporate into me or does “I” crystallize into You?
Breathing is strange in these temperatures.

Fever, I get you, beautiful burning prayer
She is the twin sister of anger
the symptom of urgency and need for change
an active immune response

Spiritually fevered, heart-fevered
how I understand you
your longings burn free all that needn’t be
How do you interact in the contrast?
dear feverish ones
you are looked at as an altered state of consciousness
as you feel awakened and sensitive to the sleepiness around
you seem insanely wild while the eye of your heart is wide open

Fever, she is the colours of the white light.
Look into Her eyes and it is the remedy to Medusa’s gaze.

Respiration is a strange in-between in these temperatures.
In Finnish to say that something matters, we say “sillä on väliä”
which means “it has in-between”

I walk. I breathe. There is an increasing degree span between inside and outside,
an angle opening further more further more
And in the meeting of temperatures that have outgrown the names of hot or cold, surrendered, adrift,
my body breaks free a koan
that asks the difference between a 0º angle or a 360º one.

Since fever I am
May I be the burning prayer for the world today
It isn’t about generosity, no no, this is sanity.”

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